What's New

August Council meeting

Published: 14 Aug 24

The Council does not normally meet in August, but the decision has been taken to hold a meeting which will take place on the 20th August 2024 at 7:30 p.m. This is half an hour later than normal, due to the fact that the Llangdevaud Village Hall is only available that evening from 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to this meeting at which four new Councillors will sign their Declarations. If there are any questions, I would be grateful for their submission to me by e-mail (clerk@langstonecommunitycouncil.org.uk) by Sunday, 18th August, please. I can then advise the Council of those questions, to ensure the orderly progress of the meeting. Robert Wade, Clerk to the Council Read More...

Audits of accounts for 2020-21 and 2021-22

Published: 21 May 24

The Audit Completion Notice and Annual Returns are now available to be seen on this page. You will need to right click on the blue/green picture at the left of description (e.g: "Audit Completion Notice") and then left click "open image in new tab". The documents will be put in hard copy on the Council Notice Boards tomorrow. Robert Wade Clerk to the Council Read More...

Online contact with tonight's meeting

Published: 21 May 24

Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 397 225 019 648 Passcode: wc3DBS Dial in by phone +44 20 3443 8778,,89169054# United Kingdom, London Find a local number Phone conference ID: 891 690 54# Read More...

Langstone Community Council 2024

Published: 19 Feb 24

The Council now has its own Facebook Page, and hopes that residents will continue to express their views by using the Facebook page, attending meetings (where the Council encourages public debate), or by e-mailing me at clerk@langstonecommunitycouncil.org.uk. I will always respond with calm and courtesy. You are all neighbours within what is really quite a small area. The Council never expects to get things right all the time. All it hopes is that comments and criticism are kept within the bounds of courtesy and kindness and in moderate language, in the way one would hope to see on any Facebook site. Robert Wade, Clerk to the Council Read More...


Published: 17 Feb 24

The Council is still looking for people who might be interested in helping with events run by the Council, or who have ideas to promote the work of the Council. Please do come forward. You can contact the Clerk on clerk@langstonecommunitycouncil.org.uk. Anybody with ideas as to how best to present the web-site are requested to contact Councillor Angharad Jarman on angharadjarman@langstonecommunitycouncil.org.net. All offers of assistance will be gratefully received. Robert Wade, Clerk to the Council Read More...

Newport City Council Development Plan

Published: 5 Feb 24

Following the Council meeting on the 11th December, representations were submitted to Newport City Council in relation to the LDP. I am assured that this is an ongoing process, so I will be kept informed of any further proposals. However, in the meantime, if any resident has further comments to make about what is proposed, please do e-mail me at clerk@langstonecommunitycouncil.org.net. Read More...

Grant for Scouts

Grant for Scouts

Published: 1 Feb 24

£278 granted for warm hooded tops .

Grant for Ladies Group

Published: 1 Feb 24

£200 for our local Ladies Friendship Group towards their wide range of activities. Read More...

Air Ambulance Grant

Air Ambulance Grant

Published: 1 Feb 24

£500 towards the continued support and care the air ambulance provides. Read More...

Grant for LLandevaud Churchyard

Grant for LLandevaud Churchyard

Published: 1 Feb 24

£500 towards the upkeep of the churchyard

Grant for Llanmartin Church

Grant for Llanmartin Church

Published: 1 Feb 24

£500 towards the upkeep of the churchyard

Grant for Langstone Church

Grant for Langstone Church

Published: 1 Feb 24

Grant of £500 to Langstone Church for maintaining the churchyard. Read More...

Refuse collection in Langstone

Published: 19 Jun 23

New timetable for refuse collection within Langstone

20mph limit across Wales will change to 20mph

Published: 12 Jun 23

From the 17th of September 2023, most 30mph limits across Wales changed to 20mph. When you see streetlights, assume that the speed limit is 20mph, unless you see signs that say otherwise. Most affected streets are in residential or built-up areas where people walk and cycle. GoSafe, Police and partners will continue to educate and engage with our communities, and enforce 20mph speed limits, to make roads safer for all of us. 20mph speed limits | Sub-topic | GOV.WALES •Setting exceptions to the 20mph default speed limit for restricted roads | GOV.WALES •Find a proposed exception to a 20mph speed limit | GOV.WALES •Safer at 20mph: Let’s look out for each other | GOV.WALES file:///C:/Users/44777/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/3N83Y64X/Welsh%20Government%20-%2020mph%20Misinformation%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf Read More...

Newport Carers Network

Published: 8 Nov 22

If you have received this email from a third party and would like to receive regular carer information from us, please email community.connectors@newport.gov.uk and ask to join the Read More...

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